Emily & Marc | The Bank Street Annex

I am pretty excited to share Emily & Marc’s wedding from early this May! I am a little behind on my blog simply because of the launch of my NEW website!!!
Emily and Marc’s wedding was a ton of fun, and I know they had a good time, too! Emily looked absolutely stunning. I caught Marc kissing her hand several times throughout the day. At the altar when they first saw each other, even as they walked down the aisle after they were married he kissed her hand, sitting alone at their sweetheart table he kissed her hand. As an observer, I find these little gestures incredibly special and I am not so sure that my couples even know they do them- (Jon always gave Sam a kiss on the cheek after a few kisses on the lips, Heather and Matt wouldn’t leave each other’s side, Andrew always picks up Andrea when he gives her a hug- he’s also about a foot taller than her, Eric nuzzles Ashley’s neck when he gives her a hug) I’ve seen a ton of these little gestures, but what makes them so important is that make each couple and their relationship unique.

I LOVE this photograph below- three generations together.