I met Joanne & Brian a little over a year and a half ago, but I feel like I have known them forever! The first time I spoke with Brian on the phone, we made small talk until I mentioned that I had recently done a duathlon near his hometown. It turns out Brian and Joanne are both very active and regularly compete in triathlons! We chatted for easily 45 minutes about running, swimming, bikes- basically everything but weddings! We got together at the Kite & Key restaurant a week or so later, and had a blast! I quickly learned that they love craft beer, the city, and have a passion for health and fitness. Both Joanne and Brian compete in support of the Racing to Register team and wear bibs with the RTR logo on it in support of their mission. RTR is a local non-protfit dedicated to increasing the number of potential donors to patients in need of a life saving bone marrow or stem cell transplant. You can visit their website at www.racingtoregister.com
We got together a few times over the following year for dinner and of course their engagement session! One of Joanne’s friends, also a bridesmaid, hired me for their wedding coming up this November. By the time their wedding came around, it felt like I was just one of the gang and seeing old friends.
Their wedding day came quick and heavy rain threatened everyone spirits. It had rained all morning as Joanne got ready and Deanna Lewis did everyone’s make-up beautifully! Micraculously, the sun came out for just long enough to get the ceremony in, and a few portraits of Joanne & Brian on the Ocean City boardwalk! The wind helped lifting Joanne’s cathedral length veil fluttering in the breeze! The moment, we got on the trolley it began to downpour and didn’t let up the entire night. Inside at the Stockton Seaview, GForce2 kept the dance floor packed with both young and old! Until everyone retreated to the nearby game room and celebrated into the wee hours of the morning!
Joanne & Brian- You have become such great friends! I am incredibly happy I got to share your day with you. I couldn’t have imagined a better day! Thank you to you and your families for inviting me so warmly into your lives and being so open and wonderful to work with! Thank you!