Being notified today that I received three awards in the ISPWP Summer 2015 Contest capped a really wonderful Labor Day weekend with my family!
Straight from the ISPWP website: “The ISPWP (International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers) is an organization of the best wedding photographers in the world. It was created by professional photographers to raise the standards of the wedding photography profession. We’re picky. Most online wedding photography directories are simply glorified yellow pages that anyone can join if they simply pay the fee. Experienced pros could be listed alongside someone who just bought their first camera, took a few pictures at their cousin’s wedding, and put up a website. The ISPWP is an exclusive organization of truly experienced professionals for discerning clientele. Our requirements in the areas of experience, talent, integrity, and professionalism set us apart. We will never compromise our standards just to get more members. If that means we remain small and exclusive, so be it.”
The contests draw thousands of entries and only the top 20 images in 20 categories are awarded. Click above to view all the winning images. Enjoy!