When it comes to an engagement session – or as I am beginning to call them, Forever Sessions – I always stress finding a meaningful place to photograph at. Some place that has significance to your relationship and says something about the two of you as a couple. For Sarah & Andrew’s engagement, that’s definitely UPenn! It’s where they went to school, where they met, essentially where they had their first date studying Math during which Andrew held Sarah’s hand for the first time. Who knew Math could be so romantic?!
Sarah and Andrew are as sweet as they come. Spend 5 minutes with them and you can see how head over heels, deeply in love with each other they are. It’s not a loud, shout it from the hilltops kind of love, but rather a deep and simple love built on a rock-solid foundation of constant little acts of kindness and putting one another first, like when they were first getting together in college and Sarah brought Andrew Wawa as he was pulling an all-nighter. They constantly go out of their way to make each other happen. To them, and I think most of us would agree, it’s the little things that count.
When they’re engagement session rolled around last week we explored all over the campus of UPenn before heading over to Bartram’s Garden where we photographed in some of the best evening light I’ve ever seen!
Thank you for looking!