Zayna & Dave | Blue Mountain Resort

“Everyone said it was the honeymoon stage. He was always smiling and was just so happy to be around. I loved that about him and my Grammy took right to Dave, I knew then Dave’s the one that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.”
“No matter the circumstance. No matter my flaws. She just shows me love. Even when I’m crushed with hours at work and come home from crazy long days, she waits up and make sure that I was ok. She’s my biggest supporter and that’s when I knew.”
Zayna and Dave are the perfect Yin & Yang. The perfect balance for each other. You can see it when you spend time with them. They both lean on and support each other in different ways, and that’s what marriage is all about.
They’re wedding day, much like every wedding day, had it’s hiccups. The rain playing a major part of it. It forced some last minute scheduling changes and pushed the ceremony inside. “Once I saw Dave, I knew everything was going to be alright. He’s brings me back down to reality. Always.” Once the ceremony began, everything fell into place. Dave’s dad played a unique role and married the two of them through an emotional and hilarious ceremony. You can tell he took great pride in all the preparation he did for marrying his son complete with silly stories, props, and life lessons from a long married man. What a true gift to have a dad play such a vital role.
While on the subject of dads, you’ll be hard pressed to find a father who looks at his daughter the way Zayna’s dad does. Zayna’s dad feels things deeply. As I stood at the top of the stairs in Zayna’s parents house, I watched Zayna descend the staircase to him. I saw a proud father of 5 children, four boys and one girl, with a heart so thankful he could only wear an expression of awe and squeeze her as tight as possible.
From a heartfelt maid of honor and best man speech, to tearful expressions of love and gratitude from Zayna’s brothers, to note from a mother to her son on his wedding day, I saw dozens of these little glimpses of proud parents and excited friends. Regardless of any rain or hiccups, that’s what makes a perfect wedding day – friend and family coming together under one roof for a happy reason!

Thanks for looking!